

外语学习青年君上2020-07-03 9:52:112549A+A-


2.hello 2.mp3

3.hello 3.mp3

4.are you sleeping 1.mp3

5.are you sleeping 2.mp3

6.are you sleeping 3.mp3

7.head and shoulder 1.mp3

8.head and shoulder 2.mp3

9.head and shoulder 3.mp3

10.this is the way 1.mp3

11.this is the way 2.mp3

12.this is the way 3.mp3

13.if you are happy 1.mp3

14.if you are happy 2.mp3

15.if you are happy 3.mp3

16.follow me 1.mp3

17.follow me 2.mp3

18.follow me 3.mp3

19.seven steps 1.mp3

20.seven steps 2.mp3

21.seven steps 3.mp3

22.five little ducks 1.mp3

23.five little ducks 2.mp3

24.five little ducks 3.mp3

25.row row row your boat 1.mp3

26.row row row your boat 2.mp3

27.row row row your boat 3.mp3

28.baby shark 1.mp3

29.baby shark 2.mp3

30.baby shark 3.mp3

31.put on your shoes 1.mp3

32.put on your shoes 2.mp3

33.put on your shoes 3.mp3

34.how is the weather 1.mp3

35.how is the weather 2.mp3

36.how is the weather 3.mp3

37.are you hungry 1.mp3

38.are you hungry 2.mp3

39.are you hungry 3.mp3

40.i see something blue 1.mp3

41.i see something blue 2.mp3

42.i see something blue 3.mp3

43.twinkle twinkle little star 1.mp3

44.twinkle twinkle little star 2.mp3

45.twinkle twinkle little star 3.mp3

46.the shape song 1.mp3

47.the shape song 2.mp3

48.the shape song 3.mp3

49.bingo 1.mp3

50.bingo 2.mp3

51.bingo 3.mp3

52.let us go to the zoo 1.mp3

53.let us go to the zoo 2.mp3

54.let us go to the zoo 3.mp3

55.rock,scissors,paper 1.mp3

56.rock,scissors,paper 2.mp3

57.rock,scissors,paper 3.mp3

58.days of the week 1.mp3

59.days of the week 2.mp3

60.days of the week 3.mp3






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